Women are just like cars. Men deal with them the same way they deal with cars. Here, I will be offering comparisons to get my point across:
The First Time
- When you get a new (or used) car, it is new to you. You get to explore the ins-and-outs of the car. You "test drive" it around a bit before you are fully comfortable with how the car operates when you drive it.
- When you meet a new woman, she is new to you. Sure, she probably has been with plenty of guys before you, but she is new to you. The first conversation, kiss, and sexual encounter is when you get to know the ins-and-outs of her. You discover what makes her happy verbally and sexually. How she "operates".
The Good Times
- When your car is functioning properly, and to your expectations, it's a blast! You have fun with your car. There are no visible mechanical problems at the moment. You just enjoy "the ride". You go places with your car. You become attached to it. Sure, from time to time, you may fantasize about driving another car or a "better" car, but for the time being you're just glad you aren't walking anymore.
- When your woman is functioning properly, and to your expectations, it's a blast! You have fun with your woman. There are no visible mental problems at the moment. You just enjoy "the ride". You go places with your woman. You become attached to her. Sure, from time to time, you may fantasize about being with another woman or a "better" woman, but for the time being you're just glad you don't have to masturbate (as much) anymore.
The Bad Times
- When your car starts fucking up, it pisses you off. It may even make you sad. All you want is for your car to act the way it should. You try to find out exactly what is causing problems in your car. You might even think your car needs to be looked at by a "professional". You wish you had a new/better car, or at least one that was functioning properly.
- When your woman starts fucking up, it pisses you off. It may even make you sad. All you want is for your woman to act the way she should. You try to find out exactly what is causing problems with your woman. You might even think your woman needs to be looked at by a "professional". You wish you had a new/better woman, or at least one that was functioning properly.
The Break Up / Break Down
- Eventually, you realize there's no fixing the problems with your car. You have no choice but to leave your car the way it is. Later in life, you'll get a new car. But, you'll always remember your previous car. The new car you're in won't "feel" the same as the previous car. Even though the situation between you and your car didn't work out, and even though you KNOW the car is fucked up, it doesn't mean you want to see your car get stolen by some other guy.
- Eventually, you realize there's no fixing the problems with your woman. You have no choice but to leave your woman the way she is. Later in life, you'll get a new woman. But, you'll always remember your previous woman. The new woman you're with won't be the same as the previous woman. Even though the situation between you and your woman didn't work out, and even though you KNOW the relationship is fucked up, it doesn't mean you want to see your woman get stolen by some other guy.
P.S. Some guys are lucky, they have more than 1 car
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P.S. Some guys are lucky, they have more than 1 car.
ReplyDeleteI just cracked up even further. I think women, (maybe not all women... maybe just me) can relate to this.
Some women aren't that complicated but end up in complicated relationships with men and end up feeling that they just wish their man would act the way he should.
But like life runs out, you realize so does your amount of patience, so you stop using your old car, even though you put everything into getting it fixed, and you get a new car.
I hope you get through your breakup. I hope you find some light. It's never too late to get a Lamborghini :)